Friday, October 22, 2010

Still having Sharing Issues

I had read up on ways to help your cow let down yesterday so I felt like getting up this morning and trying something new.  When I got Sadie, she was not especially dirty and I thought things might go well.  We calmly walked to the stanchion and I was talking quietly to her.  I tried brushing her, talking to her, petting her, but those things didn't work.  She did not let down.  I did get a little more than yesterday but it was only a half gallon jar and 2 1/2 cups in the quart jar.  I did not take her to her baby but tied her up so she could graze and see her baby.  She didn't quiet  understand why I didn't go get Dipper.  Poor Dipper was walking up and down the fence line calling for mamma.  I calmly got her water, talked with her some more and went to go excercise.  I thought I will try again when I get home.  I came home fed Caroline and went to do it again.  another 1/2 gallon.  So I got my milk today but not the way I want it.  Tomorrow I wont be home so my husband will be thrilled when I tell him I want him to wait until 9 to milk.  Maybe then she will be so full she will beg us to take it all.  We will see.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

My cow wont share

Milking Sadie has been pretty uneventful, however she has decided, I think, that I am no longer important enough to get milk.  Even though I do give her this nice big bucket of cubes.  Yesterday we got 3/4 of a gallon.  Today we got just over 1/2 of a gallon.  I'm not sure what is going on.  Monday I got 1.4 gallons.  I will need to look into that.